Age Calculator - How Old Am I?

This free online age calculator gives you the age of anyone instantly. All you have to do is just drop the date of birth. The tool will do the rest. Get your age in years, months, days, hours, and even seconds! The formula and how it works are explained below.

Age Calculator


You born on:
Selected Date is:

  • 2025
  • 2024

Breakdown of Your Age:

How the Tool Works

Enter your date of birth or the date of birth of the person whose age you want to calculate. Next, enter the current date or future date in another box, and the age will be calculated based on that date. Finally, hit the “Calculate Age” button. 

For example, you want to know what your age will be in 2030. This is why we have the option to enter any date.

How to Calculate the Age of a Person?

Suppose your date of birth is on 6 August 1993. Now, you want to know what your age would be on 14 October 2027. 

So, first, subtract the past year from the future years.  

In that case, your age in 2027 would be (2027-1993), or 34 in terms of years.  

Next, in terms of months, the difference between August and October is 2 months. 

Plus, in terms of days, the difference between 6 and 14 is 8 days. 

Therefore, you will be 34 years, 2 months, and 8 days old on 14 October 2027, given that your birthday is 6 August 1993. 

Some Solved Problems 

1. How old am I in 2029 if my birthday is on 31 January 1997?

Ans. First, subtract the past year from the future year.  

In that case, your age in 2029 would be (2029-1997), or 32 in terms of years.  

Therefore, you will be 32 years old on 31 January 2029, given that your birthday is on 31 January 1997.  

2. How old am I on 4 January 2035 if my birthday is on 26 March 2002?

Ans. First, subtract the past year from the future year.  

In that case, your age in 2035 would be (2035-2002), or 33 in terms of years.  

Next, in terms of months, the difference between March and January is 10 months. 

However, since you were born in March and now you are calculating your age before March, you will not be completely 33 in terms of years. 

Similarly, we are calculating your age before 26 January. That means the 10 months won’t be complete. 

In that case, you will be 32 years and 9 months old on January 2035.   

Now, in terms of days, the difference between 4 and 26 is 9 days! 

It’s a little confusing, right? 

Yes, that’s because you have to calculate from 26 to next month’s 4th instead of from 4 to 26th. 

It’s because we’re calculating the birthday from 26 March, not from 4 January. 

That’s how the difference becomes 9 days. 

Therefore, you will be 32 years, 9 months, and 9 days old on 4 January 2035, given that your birthday is on 26 March 2002.