Sale Discount Percent Off Calculator

By using this free online discount percentage calculator, you can determine the new rate after the discount and the amount saved! The formula and how it works are given below.

Discount Calculator

Discount: $

Final Price: $


Discount = Original Price x Discount %/100

Discount = × /100

Discount = x

You save = $

Final Price = Original Price - Discount

Final Price = -

Final Price = $

How the Tool Works

Drop the original price of the product in the given box. Then input the percentage value in the discount (% off) box, You will find the amount saved and the discounted or sale price instantly.

How to Calculate Discounted Price from Original Price?

To calculate the total discount and new sale price, we used the following percentage-off formula.

Discount or Amount Saved = (Discount Percentage Amount/100) * Original Price And, New Sale Price or Discounted Price = Original Price - Amount Saved Now, for example, if there’s a 20% off for an $85 product, the discount will be = (20/100) * $85 = $17.

This means when the original price of a product is $85, and you get a 20% off or 20% discount, you will save $17.

Then the new sale price becomes = $85 - $17, or $68.

So, the sale price of a product at $85 with 20% off is $68.

Some Solved Problems

1. Calculate 50% off 160

Ans. With 50% off, for the product of $160, the discount will be = (50/100) * $160 = $80.

This means when the original price of a product is $160, and you get a 50% off or 50% discount, you will save $80.

Then the new sale price becomes = $160 - $80, or $80.

So, the sale price of a product at $160 with 50% off is $80.

2. Calculate 70% off 150

Ans. With 70% off, for the product priced at $150, the discount will be = (70/100) * $150 = $105.

This means when the original price of a product is $150, and you get a 70% off or 70% discount, you will save $105.

Then the new sale price becomes = $150 - $105, or $45.

So, the sale price of a product at $150 with 70% off is $45.